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Seachem Laboratories
Safe™ is the complete and super-concentrated dry conditioner for both fresh and salt water. Safe™ removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. It is non-acidic and will not impact pH. A further bonus for the reef hobbyist—Safe™ will not over-activate skimmers.
Safe™ may be used during tank cycling to alleviate ammonia/nitrite toxicity. It contains a binder which renders ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate non-toxic, allowing the biofilter to more efficiently remove them. Use at start-up and whenever adding or replacing water. When transporting or quarantining fish, use Seachem StressGuard™. When adding new fish, use Stability®. Both are ideal for use with Safe™.
Aqueon Bow Front LED Kits (26 Gallon)
Hikari Tropical Crab Cuisine
Hikari® Tropical Vibra Bites™
Hikari Tropical Shrimp Cuisine
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